; Here's a new card set for MarryPic iv'e called it Pro Sport ; look out for more card sets ; We have a few other differant ideas so look out for them. ; Install just put Pro Sport into the card drawer and dont delete this text ; because it ain't gonna go. ; Like to get some feedback on this as to see if it's worth doing a lot more ; this is the only part i hate doc's so no comments on this OK. ; Hope you got a copy of Pop Music and Pop Music (1)and (2):Ladies :Cartoon Capers ; and Flags. ; ; E-Mail DAVIDW@ATTIC.APANA.ORG.AU ; ; size of the cards in pixels WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100 ; number of cards in X and in Y NUMBER_X=5 NUMBER_Y=2 ; spacing in pixels between each SPACING_X=35 SPACING_Y=35